Standard Reference ISO 14001:2015

Moffett Automation recognises the importance of environmental protection and is committed to operating its business responsibly and in fulfilment of its compliance obligations.

Moffett Automation shall conduct its business in an ethical and socially responsible manner. Our approach to environmental management is consistent with the spirit and intent of our corporate objectives and cultural values. We recognise that we have a major responsibility for protecting the environment of our employees, our customers and all interested parties in the communities in which we operate.

We recognise that excellence in environmental performance and legislative compliance is consistent with our corporate objectives and essential to our continued business success and we shall ensure that environmental policies, programmes and performance standards are an integral part of our planning and decision-making process.

It is the Organisation’s objective to carry out all measures reasonably practicable to meet, exceed or develop all necessary or desirable requirements, to protect the environment and to continually improve the Environmental Management System.

Moffett Automation Policies undertake to:

  • Continually develop & improve the effectiveness of the Environmental Management System.
  • Determine ‘Interested Parties’ that are affected by the Organisation’s operation and understand and meet their needs & expectations.
  • Determine the needs & expectations of Interested Parties that will become part of the Organisation’s ‘Compliance Obligations’ and fulfil the aim of achieving customer satisfaction in mitigating the organisations impact on the environment.
  • Communicate throughout the Organisation the importance of meeting customer needs & expectations and all relevant statutory, regulatory & compliance obligation requirements.
  • Ensure the availability of resources so that inputs meet the intended outputs.
  • Ensure that the Management Reviews review the environmental objectives and reports on the Internal Audit results as a means of monitoring and measuring the processes and the continued effectiveness of the Environmental Management System within the Integrated Management System.
  • Comply with our clients’ environmental policy requirements.
  • Identify and evaluate the environmental consequences of the Company’s activities.
  • Assess and regularly re-assess the environmental effects of the Organisation’s activities. This will be achieved by completing office walk around, monitoring energy usage, review of scheduling to ensure most efficient logistics and fuel consumption.
  • Training of employees on all environmental issues. This will be in various forms such as newsletter, leaflets, email bulletins, toolbox talks.
  • Minimise the production of waste through ongoing training measures to reduce, reuse and recycle.
  • Minimise material wastage through ongoing training measures to reduce, reuse and recycle.
  • Minimise energy wastage through training on best practices to all staff.
  • Promote the use of recyclable and renewable materials through various platforms of information throughout the company.
  • Prevent pollution though education of staff and process adaptions, reducing pollution output where possible.
  • Control noise emissions from operations by selecting appropriate equipment in the first instance and minimising duration of noise polluting equipment.
  • Minimise the risk to the general public and employees from operations and activities undertaken by the Organisation.

This Policy is communicated to all employees, suppliers and sub-contractors and is made available to interested parties.


Standard References:

ISO 45001:2018

ISO 14001:2015

ISO 9001:2015

It is the Policy of Moffett Automation Management to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and damage to property. In addition, the organisation aims to protect everyone, including visitors and members of the public, insofar as they come into contact with activities from any foreseeable hazard or danger.

The organisation shall ensure a systematic approach to identifying hazards, assessing risks, determining suitable and sufficient control measures and informing employees of the correct procedure needed to maintain a safe working environment. Moffett Automation will provide safe places and systems of work, safe plant and machinery, safe handling of materials and substances, the provision of adequate safety equipment and ensure that appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision are provided.

Moffett Automation undertakes to:

  • Demonstrate visible leadership at all levels throughout our business.
  • Clearly define and implement all health and safety responsibilities and accountabilities.
  • Consultation and Participation with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
  • Provide access to competent Health and Safety advice to create a safe and healthy workplace and prevent work-related injuries, ill health, and disease.
  • Ensure all employees are competent and given suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training, and supervision to do their job safely and without risk to health.
  • Monitor performance by setting rigorous health and safety KPIs.
  • Regularly audit and review operations and continually improve our health and safety management and performance.
  • Adhere to the hierarchy of hazard controls to ensure that suitable provision is in place to reduce risk of injury, harm, or damage.
  • Provide all necessary protective clothing and equipment to staff.
  • Prepare, test, and review the Moffett Automation Emergency Response Plan.
  • Maintain records of compliance with all relevant legislation, other requirements, and company procedures.
  • Ensure this policy is documented, implemented, and made available to all interested parties.
  • Review this policy periodically to ensure it remains appropriate to the nature and scale of the organisation.

This policy is communicated to all employees, suppliers, and sub-contractors and is made available to interested parties.


Standard Reference: ISO 9001:2015

Moffett Automation has the policy to supply and install all goods and services to the highest standards. It is our policy to do all that is reasonably practicable to:

  • Ensure all work is completed to the highest standards
  • To only supply goods from high-quality sources
  • To check all works, goods, and services for high standards before signing off to the client.

Moffett Automation is committed to:

  • Maintaining compliance with legislation and approved codes of practice applicable to the Quality Policy as a minimum, and to monitoring new developments to continually improve the Quality performance standards.
  • Making Quality Assurance an integral part of the management of Moffett Automation.
  • Managing Quality issues through a structured approach to policy, processes, training, and awareness.
  • Involving and consulting with employees to effectively communicate on Quality matters.
  • Continually improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.
  • Engaging positively with our clients and customers to generate improvement and to ensure that measurable quality objectives are established and reviewed.

Objectives being:

  • Conform to, and achieve customer and contractual requirements.
  • Provide a leading-edge product and service to our customers and help them achieve and exceed expectations.
  • Maximize value to all stakeholders whilst minimizing associated risks.
  • Deliver performance-driven, best-value solutions.
  • Adhere to work programs and budgets.
  • Deliver continual improvement in systems, processes, and people development via the effective application of management systems and procedures.
  • All issues regarding quality are dealt with, and an amicable outcome is reached within 14 days of complaints being raised. This Policy and supporting arrangements are mandatory and apply to all Moffett Automation Employees.

This policy is communicated to all employees, suppliers, and sub-contractors and is made available to interested parties.